The Strong and Silent Type

A successful trade show involves a lot of collaboration. From the designers and fabricators, to shippers and installers, to booth staff and sales, everyone has a part to play. At Exhibit Network, we think crates have a unique role, and to prove our point, a member of our team recently interviewed one of our seasoned crates.
Interviewer: I am writing a blog on trade show tips. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: I will take that as a YES. You have been to a lot of trade shows. Tell me a little about your role in trade shows.
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: OK, I will clarify. You are shipped to a convention center and carried to the booth space. The installers remove your contents and begin to set up the exhibit. When all the parts are removed, they place an EMPTY sticker on you. Is this correct?
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: Yes, of course. Moving on. What makes you important to the success of a trade show? I see inside that you are jigged with foam and other materials. Is that to protect the exhibit from damage during transport?
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: OK, I suppose that is rather obvious. If this next question is too personal, you don’t have to answer. Why are you labeled inside? Is that so the pieces are repacked correctly after the show?
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry into your purpose in life. About how many trade shows do you go to each year?
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: Five? Ten? More than twenty?
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: I get it. You go to so many you can’t remember. Well, you are looking good for your age. To what do you attribute your good looks and staying in shape? Is it because you were well-built with quality wood?
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: So right, that was a redundant question. Obviously you are well-built with a high quality wood.
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: You seem to be a crate that does its job day in and day out without much recognition. What advice would you give an exhibitor about crating their custom exhibit?
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: I can see that you are the Strong and Silent type. Is that the advice you would give? To purchase a strong crate that doesn’t rattle?
Crate: (Silence)
Interviewer: My thoughts exactly! Well, that about wraps it up. Thank you very much for the interview.
Crate: (Sigh)
Although crates aren’t seen or thought about during trade shows, they are important for safely carrying your exhibit properties to and from the show. Savvy exhibitors prefer the “Strong and Silent” type that protect and pamper thier exhibit for all their trade shows. Would you like to inspect some of our custom-made crates to see if they meet your “strong and silent” standards? You are invited to visit our warehouse at 3434 Lang Road, Houston TX 77092. Call for an appointment today 713-290-1212.