Happy Hour Guide

    Welcome to the HAPPY HOUR GUIDE! Savvy exhibitors know that many business relationships begin at HAPPY HOUR, even before the trade show begins. An opportunity of a lifetime often presents itself in unexpected ways at HAPPY HOUR: in the buffet line, at the bar, or on the dance floor. It's very important for exhibitors to plan ahead for this opportunity to meet new prospects. Our HAPPY HOUR GUIDE is a humorous and helpful checklist to help you plan your next trade show, so you'll always be at HAPPY HOUR on time.

    01 TRADE SHOW SUPERSTAR (That's you)





    Scale of 1-10, rate your trade show experience:

    List your job responsibilities:
    (We ask this because "exhibit managers" often have many other responsibilities. It always helps to understand all your roles.)

    02 Your goals

    Why are you exhibiting? (check all that apply)

    [group what-hidden]


    What are your plans to reach your goals? (check all that apply)

    [group how-hidden]


    You just completed the hard part. The rest is easy. Keep going.

    03 exhibit properties

    What booth sizes will you have in the next 12 months? (check all that apply)

    [group sizes-hidden]


    We’re sure you have great products and services. How will they be displayed at your booth? (check all that apply)

    [group products-hidden]


    Are you planning to have anything unique to attract visitors to your booth? (check all that apply)

    [group attractions-hidden]


    You really excel at this. Keep up the good work.

    What type of flooring will you use in your exhibit? (check all that apply)

    [group flooring-hidden]


    Do you have any specific requirements for your exhibit? (check all that apply)

    [group needs-hidden]


    Take a deep breath. Hold. Release. Now let's talk about your graphics.

    04 Graphics

    Scale of 1-10, Rate Your Graphic Knowledge:

    Scale of 1-10, Availability of Production-Ready Art:

    Branding Guideline Available?

    Vector Logo Available?

    Who Will Design Your Graphics?

    Use Same Graphics at Every Show?

    If you do not provide production ready artwork on time, what should we have available at your booth? (check all that apply)

    Raise your hand if you thought we were serious about the last question.

    05 Show Services

    Which Show Services do you require for your exhibits? (check all that apply)

    [group services-hidden]


    You are doing a great job so far. You should be very proud of yourself right now.

    06 Furniture

    What Furniture do you require for your exhibits? (check all that apply)

    [group furnishings-hidden]


    Hang in there, trade show superstar. You're doing great. Almost done.

    07 Accessories

    Check the Accessories you may need in your booth (check all that apply)

    [group accessories-hidden]


    Let's face it, not everybody enjoys talking about money, but we all know it's important to establish a budget. You can do this.

    08 Budget

    What is your budget for your exhibit? (check all that apply)

    09 Estimates

    You are aware that exhibit/trade show estimates are based on information known at the time the estimate is prepared. At what dollar amount would you like to be notified of an increase in cost due to additional services required, an increase in price from a supplier, or RUSH or OT charges? (check all that apply)

    Great job. You're almost at the end. Just a little bit more....

    10 After the show

    In a perfect world, what do you want to do when the show ends? (check all that apply)

    In a perfect world, who would arrange the shipping of your exhibit properties? (check all that apply)

    In a perfect world, where do you want to store your exhibit? (check all that apply)

    You are perfect in our world because you made it this far. Very impressive.

    In a perfect world, what would your invoices look like? (check all that apply)

    In a perfect world, how do you prefer to communicate? (check all that apply)

    Let's get started right away on your show schedule. List your next 5 shows so together we can make a plan.

    Show Name

    One final question: What will you be drinking at Happy Hour?

    Congratulations, you're done! Just press SUBMIT below.
    If you don't hear from us in .5 nanoseconds, call us at 713-290-1212 or send us a quick email now.