
A letter to our clients
March 13, 2020
Corona. Coronavirus. Covid-19.
No matter what it’s called, the effects are far-reaching in the trade show industry. Some companies do not want their employees to travel and are choosing not to participate in trade shows. Some trade shows were cancelled after installation began. The list of shows that are being postponed or cancelled is growing every day.
We are being cautiously optimistic that the shows we are working on for our clients will actually happen. We are building exhibits, making shipping arrangements, and ordering show services. We feel it is best to be prepared for the show, rather than to rush at the last minute.
We are checking for show cancellations daily, and will let you know as soon as we find something. We ask that you let us know as soon as possible if your show is cancelled or you decide not to participate. This will help us save time and materials on your project.
We want to reassure you that we will work with you if your trade show is cancelled or postponed. We will not invoice you for any services that we can cancel and get refunded (e.g., shipping, show services, labor, etc.). We will invoice you for any costs incurred before the project was cancelled. (e.g., labor, materials, shipping, etc.).
We further want to reassure you that although this global crisis will hurt everyone in the trade show industry, including Exhibit Network, we are in a position to weather this storm. We’ve had a contingency plan ever since we survived Enron, 911, and SARS in the 2000s. We will be here for you when this crisis is over.
If your shows are still happening, it’s business as usual for us. If your shows are cancelled or you decide not to exhibit, may we suggest this may be a good time for you to review your exhibit properties and perhaps replace some of the older ones with new properties. Is it time to build out or refresh your corporate interior? Do you need some banner stands, graphic design, or new graphics? Maybe you want to visit us and talk about future possibilities.
We want to let you know how thankful we are for your business. It’s always our pleasure to make your trade show experience as seamless, stress-free, and delightful as possible.
Relax…we got this.
Stay safe, be healthy!
– The entire Exhibit Network team